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Managing your title and description
Stephen avatar
Written by Stephen
Updated over a week ago

Managing your title

Your listing's title is displayed in search results and wherever else your listing might be featured, such as the home page, so make sure it's accurately named. If you decide you want to update the title later, you can do that by editing the listing from within the manage listings page.

πŸ’‘ Title and search ranking: The title is the most important ranking factor for our marketplace keyword search, so consider what teachers might be searching for when deciding on a title.

Writing an effective listing description

Creating a standout description for your teaching resource plays an important role for attracting teachers and securing sales. Ensure educators know exactly what they're getting and how it can enhance their classroom experience. If the description is misleading, it can leave buyers disappointed and reluctant to visit your store in the future.

Here are some tips to help craft an effective description:

  • Be Concise, Be Clear: Teachers are busy. They scan descriptions for key points. Start with the most compelling aspects of your resource and avoid repeating information that's listed elsewhere, like in the resource specifications or features.

  • Highlight Special Features: What makes your resource a must-have? Focus on aspects that are most appealing to educators, like alignment with curriculum standards, versatility across different year levels, or innovative teaching approaches.

  • Stay Genuine and Transparent: Honesty builds trust. Don't oversell. Be clear about the ideal classroom setting or student level for your resource. If there are any specific requirements or limitations, mention them. This candor helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures satisfaction.

  • Inspire with Examples: Use scenarios or success stories to illustrate how your resource has been or can be effectively used. This helps educators visualise its application in their own classrooms.

πŸ’‘ Description and search ranking: The description is the second most important ranking factor for our marketplace keyword search, so consider what teachers might be searching for and make sure to include these words early on in your description.

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